Monday, October 30, 2006

Mass rape in downtown Cairo

Police do nothing; the authorities and MSM turn a blind eye. Reports here and here.


Dag said...

I have some first-hand anecdootes on the rape scene in Egypt to add if i get some time tomorrow, Tuesday. I wasn't raped, but other men I know were, and so were women. It's pandemic in the Muslim countries I've been in.

truepeers said...

Yes, it's pandemic, but this mass event in full public view seems to signal a new stage of social and state collapse. When will Muslims widely admit that their culture cannot even provide the most basic components of social order in a society where islam is the dominant force, and what will we have to go through to get to that point?

Dag said...

I look at it as "If they do that to thier own, what would they do to us?" Well, 9/11 is a start. So the real queswtion is what are we as a sane society, assuming we have such, what are we going to do to protefct ourselves from mad nations?

Forsoothsayer said...

don't fucking link to me as some sort of justification for your hate. note that in my own post i didn't blame Islam: Islam is nothing to do with it. Lots of women get mass raped all over the world.

truepeers said...

If you're so concerned about hate you might start by re-considering your own language.

Rape occurs all over the world, yes; but let me assure you that in most places nothing like what happened in Cairo would be allowed to happen, even in most of the highly decadent West. Arab culture is dysfunctional in a lot of ways. No doubt the problem is more than a religious one, though the Copts and others might beg to differ. It has also to do with tribal and family values.... While we can be sure that Islam, despite its often treating women's sexuality or beauty as something fearful in need of hijab, does not prescribe this sort of mass rape behaviour against Muslim women, it is the job of religion to discipline men so that a) they don't rape and b) when they see rape, they step in and stop it. If the discipline isn't there, it is a sign of either bad religion or a lack of religion.

BTW, anyone who thinks s/he can demand the internet and its endless network of links should be organized to his liking strikes me as a control freak who might look inward to understand the nature of rape; and then she might ask what kind of faith gets us beyond our evil and controlling desires. How do we learn that God is love and wants us to love?